About the Team

Our team at PWSA UK is small, but we are all passionate about our PWS Community and we are determined to be here to support our PWS family when you need us, for as long as you need us. We are a small team with big ambitions, but if we don’t aim high for our community, who will?

Jackie Lodge
Chief Executive

I have almost 30 years' experience working in the charity sector in a range of management roles. I was most recently the Chief Executive of an endowed charity in Surrey which provides supported housing, community buildings, and grants for organisations tackling need and poverty. I have led the charity for almost 15 years, developing new services as well as ensuring the long-term financial stability of the organisation. I am also Vice Chair of the People's Health Trust and a board member of Co-Op Homes. I previously worked for the British Heart Foundation, heading up the UK care and rehabilitation programs. During this time, I developed the BHF heart nurse programme to provide specialist care across the UK for people with heart failure. Prior to this, I held a range of management roles with the Age Concern federation supporting the governance of local organisations and the development of quality assurance for information and advice services. I have also held various trustee positions on local and international charities. I have a BA in Psychology and a master's degree in Charity Management from City University. I am married with two grown up children and live in Surrey with my border terrier. In my spare time, you’ll find me rowing on the River Thames or running along the tow path.  

Patsy Lecont

PWS Specialist Team Manager

I’ve been lucky enough to work for the Association since January 2017, and I’m the very proud Support and Training Team Manager. I love being able to help families through every stage of their journey, and making sure we have the most up to date and relevant information available. It’s a real blessing being able to work from home, meaning that I can spend time with my many children (one of whom has PWS) and my grandchildren. On a personal note, I love nothing more than sitting and crocheting the hours away, when I get the chance!

Ruth Consterdine

PWS Specialist Team Deputy Manager

I joined PWSA UK in August 2018 as a Support and Training Officer. I have a background in the voluntary sector, working for Home-Start UK for many years supporting families and children. I then spent a brief period working for my local authority, providing training in Positive Behaviour Support for Residential Care Providers. I really enjoy all aspects of my role with PWSA UK, from talking to families on the phone, delivering training, meeting families at events and clinics as well as recruiting and supporting volunteers. I’m so glad I feel very ‘at home’ both within the organisation and as part of the wider PWS family.

Sheila Inwards

PWS Specialist Adviser

I joined PWSA UK in July 2021 as a Support and Training Officer. I have a son who is 36 with PWS which I hope will provide me with the knowledge and understanding to support and train on behalf of PWSA UK. I have a background in early years and supporting families through fostering and respite care. I am also a Makaton tutor and have used my knowledge and experience of supporting my son with his speech difficulties to offer training, support and empathy to families and those supporting people with speech and language communication difficulties. I am feeling very lucky joining the team and looking forward to the times ahead when I get the opportunity to meet you on Zoom or face-to-face.

Sarah Brindle

PWS Specialist Adviser

I joined PWSA UK in April 2023 as a Support and Training Officer. I have dedicated my career towards supporting people who are struggling to have their voices heard and their needs met. My grass roots are working with people with learning disabilities and I have over 20 years' experience working in the charity sector. I have previously worked with men and women in high and medium secure units, mostly on forensic sections, as well as PICU units and adolescents on sections of the MHA. I was previously the manager for a national advocacy provider covering the entire north west region. I am delighted to be joining the PWSA community and bringing my knowledge, expertise and experience and sharing this with you and supporting through our journey together for however long is needed. 

Karen Wilkinson

Fundraising Manager

Hello, I am Karen and I joined PWSA UK in May 2015. My role involves anything to do with fundraising including working with our corporate partners, applying to funders, arranging and attending events and meeting with our many, many amazing supporters. I have even been known to join in the events especially if there is a run involved.

Vicki Cooke

Admin & Finance Manager

I joined PWSA UK in the role of Office and Accounts Administrator back in February 2019 - 5 years later and my role just keeps on growing within the Association meaning I never have a dull day! I have previous experience working for a busy accounting office and also in the role of a support worker for a supported living organisation caring for adults with learning disabilities. I jumped at the chance when this role became available, as it was an excellent opportunity for me to combine both my skill sets and work within a fantastic team. On a more personal note, my husband and I have recently taken on our second house renovation project whilst raising my 2 children and trying and failing to have some form of control over 2 very mischievous kittens. In my down time, I love to let my hair down with friends, browse Vinted for a good bargain, get stuck into a good series, and I just love going on a new adventure so you may just find me taking on the next PWSA UK challenge! 

Lizzie Pratt

Office Administrator

I joined PSWA UK in September 2021 as the office administrator. Since leaving school, I have worked in customer service which has also included office management and all that it entails. The recent pandemic has put things into perspective for me, which sparked my desire for a complete change. I feel honoured to join PWSA UK and look forward to what the what the future may hold. On a personal level, my partner and I have recently bought our first home which we have been busy renovating. When I am not attempting DIY tasks, you can find me out hiking or working out in the gym.

Myles Kelly

Project Manager

Since 1986 I’ve been privileged to have worked with and supported adults with PWS. I’m sure I am who I am today because of the many people with PWS I’ve supported and cared for, not to mention their amazing families. Working for a national care provider, I saw the number of people we supported grow from 3 in 1986 to almost 100 when I departed in 2022. As part of the team, I played a central role in developing, maintaining and improving the standards of PWS care and support, as well as keeping abreast of the latest news and insights from around the PWS world by attending national and international conferences and training events. In all that time, I knew that I would simply never stop learning about PWS, no matter how many conferences I attended nor how much I read! My role at PWSA UK will see me assessing how PWSA UK can influence residential settings for adults with PWS to ensure they receive the best possible standards of care and quality of life, which will be hugely important to individuals and families across our community. Working for and with PWSA UK will be the icing on my professional cake! Away from work, I love spending time with family, sport, music, film and TV.

Wendy Thomas

Volunteer Development Officer

I joined PWSA UK in January 2024 as the Volunteer Development Officer. Having worked in the statutory and voluntary sector over more years than I care to remember I have worked with volunteers in a range of settings including supporting  looked after children and young people, early years, education, SEND and family support. I was very pleased to be able to join PWSA UK in this role, bringing my experience and knowledge to a new and exciting role, building on the amazing work PWSA UK and their volunteers are doing!

 Working with volunteers has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of my working life. It is always humbling and inspiring to see how much volunteers are willing to give in the support of others!

Outside of work I enjoy making the most of living in London, regularly accessing the range of diverse and interesting cultural experiences and events on offer; including theatre, art and exhibitions. I also enjoy spending time with family and friends and my lovely dog Lottie!

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