Dietary Management and Exercise
Good dietary management, exercise and restricting access to food are effective ways of managing the PWS characteristics of hyperphagia (an overwhelming drive to eat) and hypotonia (low muscle tone).
Although weight can be gained very easily by both children and adults with PWS, it can be managed and kept within normal levels.
The information on this page is designed to help ensure effective dietary management and weight control. If you would like to talk through any of these issues, please contact us on 01332 365676 or email .
Postal correspondence address:
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK
C/O Metcalf’s Commercial Decorators
3 Deer Park Road
Moulton Park
Phone: +44 (0)1332 365676
Registered Charity number
England and Wales: 1155846 Scotland: SC053700
All Rights Reserved | PWSA UK