Children and adults with PWS vary considerably in their cognitive abilities - and, in fact, with the right support in place many are able to attend mainstream schools. However, the type of school your child attends will depend entirely on what is right for them and their needs.
On reaching adulthood, many young people with PWS can also go on to complete further education, provided the right support is in place.
At PWSA UK, we believe that every child or young person with PWS will need an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or the equivalent if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. This is to determine what support they need in order to access the education they deserve.
This process will differ depending on where you live in the UK - find out more about the process where you live
here. We can help guide you through the process, including helping with appeals against Local Authority decisions. Please contact us on 01332 365676 or email