The General Data Protection Regulations have changed and we have got to make sure that any information that we have about you is held correctly so that we can continue being in contact with you.

We don’t pass any of your details onto anybody else and we only use personal details to improve our support services. 

It also means if you call us again, we will have your details to hand.

Please will you complete a form for each member of the household by ticking the relevant consent boxes.

You will receive an email confirming your submission.

Thank you, PWSA UK

 The General Data Protection Regulations, which are a government law, have changed and we have got to make sure that any information that we have about you is held correctly so that we can continue being in contact with you.
 We don’t pass any of your details onto anybody else and we only use personal details to improve our support services. It also means if you call us again, we will have your details to hand.
 Please will you complete a form for each member of the household by ticking the relevant consent boxes. You will receive an email confirming your submission.
Thank you, PWSA UK

Contact Us

The following questions on gender and ethnicity are optional, but answering them will help ensure that we can reach all members of our PWS community across the UK.

Ethnicity (please choose from the dropdown menus):

So that we are compliant with Data Protection laws we need you to select if you wish us to have your details on our data base and if we can contact you? Please select below:

1) Permission to Contact*

Opt In
Opt in- Parental consent for Under 16’s
Opt out - Please remove me from the Database

2) Information to be Sent

Are you happy for us to send information about any of the following: 

The amount of mailings you will receive will be similar to what you are already getting, it is just so we can send you items you are interested in.

3) Contact Method

Are you happy for us to contact you via:

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