I have PWS

Meet Ruth - click on the video!

Please click on the pictures below to find the information you are looking for:

Contact me:

Email:  rconsterdine@pwsa.co.uk 

Phone: 01332 365676 

Keep up to date with the latest PWS News

Wise Owl Feathers is a magazine from PWSA UK made for adults, by adults with PWS. It includes easy-to-read articles, activities, puzzles, and tips. The magazine highlights stories and achievements from the PWS community, providing useful information and fun content in a simple and engaging format

If you are over 16 and have PWS, you can become a member for FREE and receive a paper copy of Wise Owl Feathers through the post.

Become a member

Easy read guides


  • Healthy Futures pack (A guide for young people and adults with PWS)
  • All About Me. This is a booklet where you can write down details of your routine, what makes you unique and what you feel is important for people to know about you. This can then be given to people such as college staff, carers and extended family members. You may want to ask a parent or carer to help you fill it out.
  • This is Conor. A short animated video by Emma Loudon about her cousin, Conor, who has PWS. Click here to watch the video.
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