I have PWS
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Keep up to date with the latest PWS News
Wise Owl Feathers is a magazine from PWSA UK made for adults, by adults with PWS. It includes easy-to-read articles, activities, puzzles, and tips. The magazine highlights stories and achievements from the PWS community, providing useful information and fun content in a simple and engaging format
If you are over 16 and have PWS, you can become a member for FREE and receive a paper copy of Wise Owl Feathers through the post.
Easy read guides
Postal correspondence address:
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK
C/O Metcalf’s Commercial Decorators
3 Deer Park Road
Moulton Park
Phone: +44 (0)1332 365676
Email: admin@pwsa.co.uk
Registered Charity number
England and Wales: 1155846 Scotland: SC053700
All Rights Reserved | PWSA UK