PWSA UK offers a range of training packages for professionals working in the care sector, in nurseries, schools and colleges, and for social workers.
You can find details of our training packages below.
Please click the links below to download our training leaflet and booking form:
Our training packages
Management of PWS Training
Approximately 5 hours training providing an in-depth look at
Prader-Willi Syndrome including:
✓ Characteristics
✓ Dietary Management
✓ Behaviour
✓ Medical Issues
✓ Health & Wellbeing
✓ Risk Factors
This course offers a thorough understanding of the syndrome
and explores management techniques. It also offers some pre-course work, opportunities for group discussions and the time
to address specific issues that may be associated with particular
clients. Relevant literature is included.
To book this training, please see the PWSA UK training leaflet or email
Specific Issues training
This training is for those who have already undertaken the Management of PWS training or who already have a thorough understanding and experience of PWS but need support to address specific service user issues. This training of approximately 3 hours can be tailored to address any specific service user issues which could include:
✓ Dietary Management
✓ Behaviour
✓ Health & Wellbeing
To book this training, please see the PWSA UK training leaflet or email .
Supporting a Student with PWS
Virtual training specifically aimed at helping schools support students with PWS. A 4-hour session which includes an overview of PWS, Risk Factors, Positive Behaviour Support, EHC Plans and Dietary Management.
This training costs £400 virtually or £555 including trainer expenses for face to face, for a maximum of 20 delegates.
To book this training please email
Follow these links for our free presentations and information for schools:
A virtual training of 1 -2 hours about PWS, which can include a 30-minute presentation and a question-and-answer session suitable for social workers or others working with those with PWS.
Cost is £100 for the first hour, then £50 per hour to a maximum of 3 hours in total. Maximum number of delegates is 30.
Please email or ring
01332 365676 for further information.
PWS Academy
An online training course about Prader-Willi syndrome, containing 7 modules and a whole range of literature and resources. This training is aimed at professionals either already working with or likely to come into contact with individuals with PWS, including social workers, teachers, medical professionals, healthcare assistants, occupational therapists and dietitians.
The modules included are:
Once purchased, you’ll have access to the training through our PWS Academy for 3 months – you can learn in your own time and at your own pace - and costs
£75 per delegate.
Follow these links for our free presentations and information for education settings:
You can also watch YouTube presentations aimed at specific education settings via the links below:
Postal correspondence address:
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK
C/O Metcalf’s Commercial Decorators
3 Deer Park Road
Moulton Park
Phone: +44 (0)1332 365676
Registered Charity number
England and Wales: 1155846 Scotland: SC053700
All Rights Reserved | PWSA UK