Easter can be a particularly challenging time for families in our PWS community. However, there are ways to celebrate without the need to focus on chocolate. We asked parents for their top tips for alternative ways to celebrate Easter – and this is what they told us:
1. “Some things that work for us: non-food Easter egg hunts, using those plastic eggs with either small prizes or tokens to swap for a big prize; money from granny (big ones prefer this too now!); a few very dark choc mini eggs eaten over a few days as part of snack - if a big egg is given (often by well-meaning school transport staff etc), we are in charge of giving a tiny bit each day. You would be AMAZED at how quickly it goes - secret eating (by us!). Not necessarily the best approach, but a pragmatic one: siblings know they eat their Easter eggs when our child with PWS is in bed. We do egg rolling with boiled eggs too.”
2. “We have never done eggs in our house and this is prior to our child with PWS. We always did clothes, toy/game, books, Lego etc. We also found an egg hunt where there is no chocolate present or did our own with friends in the garden.”
3. “We do boiled eggs and the people in the house decorated them and got to eat them after.”
4. “We do a giant empty egg which has things like outfits, puzzles and things like that, and then we have a hunt where they collect just coloured eggs to get the giant egg and then we do crafts and also an egg race and a healthy tea party.”
5. “Easter was our worst time too - I used to buy the hollow cardboard eggs, and put hair bobbles and clips in, and the family would put money in or an IOU and we would go the toy shop and buy more Hama beads or puzzles etc.”
Thank you to everyone who provided their tips. We hope you find them useful for your own families!
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