Pilates videos for children with PWS

JHorsfall • 19 May 2023

Three new videos for Awareness Month from Pilates instructor Joakim Valsinger!

Pilates instructor and PWS dad Joakim Valsinger has very kindly produced three Pilates videos for us for PWS Awareness Month, which we are sharing during a week when we have been focusing on health and wellbeing in those with PWS.

The first video shows a workout suitable for younger children with PWS, the second is for older children, and the third shows Joakim with his son, Albie.

Simply click play on the video you'd like to watch below, and click on the square-shaped symbol next to the volume symbol so that you can watch it in full screen - and most importantly, please enjoy!

Pilates workout for younger children

Pilates workout for older children

Pilates workout with Joakim and son Albie

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