This Awareness Month, PWSA UK is going to Get Active in May. We'd like you to join us in a virtual Round Britain Relay where, as a community, we can complete the 2,992 miles or 7,063,080 steps of this great challenge - raising valuable funds for PWSA UK in the process!
What do you need to do?
You can do any activity to add miles to our Round Britain Relay. You can run, walk, skip, hop, jump, trampoline, bottom shuffle – any form of movement will count. If you do an on-the-spot activity such as yoga or in a chair, each 20 minutes will add up to 1 mile or 2,360 steps.
You can use a range of ways to count your steps and convert them into miles, such as Fitbits, Strava, phone apps – or you can just count them yourself. Let us know either daily, weekly or end of the month totals and we can add your steps into the grand total. Our starting point is Southend in Scotland and we will let everyone know how far we are in our relay every few days. Please support this brilliant challenge and become a Round Britain Relay Champion!
World Walking is an app that you can download and count your daily steps. If you are going to sign up then please let our Fundraising Manager Karen know at
and she will invite you to our PWS group or, alternatively, you can
click here
then click on the message group button to send Karen a message asking to be invited to join the group.
We also have some great prizes for those of you raising funds for PWSA UK!
• Anybody raising over £75 will receive a free PWSA snood
• Anyone raising over £150 will receive a free PWSA cap
• Anyone raising over £250 will receive a free PWSA hoodie
To claim your prize, send your total raised to PWSA UK and then email
to let her know the amount you have sent together with details of where you would like your prize to be sent. Please note you will only receive one free gift.
If you are raising money through an online platform, email Karen when you reach your total together with the address and we will then send out your item as soon as the donation reaches our bank account!
Don’t forget to send us in photos and a short write-up to go in our magazine so the rest of our wonderful PWS community can see what you've been doing!
Good luck with your challenges!