We are pleased to announce that recordings from this year's virtual conference, 'The Changing Faces of PWS', are now available to view online via our YouTube channel.
We have included links to the individual videos, plus our YouTube playlist compiling all six recording, below. Please note that the break-out rooms on the Saturday were not recorded. We have also edited the Q&A sessions from some of the videos where these included discussion of specific cases involving named individuals.
If you were unable to join us at the weekend then this is the perfect opportunity to catch up on what you missed - and if you DID attend then you may wish to watch some of the sessions again! Either way, we hope you find them useful and informative.
Recordings (in the order of the weekend):
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Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK
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Phone: +44 (0)1332 365676
Email: admin@pwsa.co.uk
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